2013년 5월 9일 목요일

Cambodia Appropriate Technology Center

KOTRA Phnom Penh A.T.Center's A.T.

 Build invigoration model about domestic appropriate technology through international development cooperation for the other 90% in the third world
 ▶ Creating local business model with systematically implementing use of existing appropriate technology
 ▶ progressing strategy for backing up appropriate technology and enterprise promotion in terms of ‘practical form’ to meet basic human needs such as food, clothing, shelter, health, education    (affordable, simple operation, small-scale business application, creativity and environmental conservation and substantiality)
 ▶ Incubating and training Cambodian engineer who understand the impact of appropriate technology   on society, economic, environmental in rural area
 ▶ Running a kind of center for appropriate technology to spread and supply sustainable appropriate technology
in KOTRA Phnom Penh Korea Business center
 ▶ Performing an integrated business establishing collaborations in Cambodia
 ▶ Obtaining various excavation channel and accumulation & share local data (building a database)
 ▶ Enhancement of appropriate technology network in Cambodia through building a comprehensive partnership (discover needs, manage technology, schedule and human resources)
 ▶ Supporting start-up business related to appropriate technology business

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